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How to Keep Your Invisalign Clean


At Stormberg Orthodontics, we want to ensure that you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment to efficiently straighten and correct your teeth. In order to do so, you not only need to wear your Invisalign aligners/trays for 22+ hours per day, but you also need to intently care for your Invisalign trays. Cleaning and caring for your Invisalign takes time and dedication to make sure your trays do their job, but also to keep your teeth and dental health at it’s best. The Stormberg Orthodontics team, serving the San Diego area, has put together the best habits to keep your Invisalign trays clean and your teeth cleaner.

How To Clean Your Invisalign

If you get into the routine of cleaning your Invisalign trays and your teeth after every meal, your orthodontic treatment will go swimmingly. We recommend the following for all Invisalign users and Invisalign Teen users.

  • After Eating: After eating, it is best to make sure you brush after each meal but life happens! So make sure to at least rinse your Invisalign trays with cold/cool water.
  • Brushing the Trays: Just as you would brush your teeth, apply a small amount of toothpaste to your toothbrush and brush the entire tray in small circles, both inside and out, gently holding the trays with your fingers.
    • Some patients have had success keeping the trays clearer with Soft-Soap and brushing or by using a mixture of vinegar and water (50/50).
  • Rinsing: Once you’ve finished brushing, rinse off the toothpaste with cold/cool water and confirm you’ve gotten rid of any food particles or tartar build-up.
  • Brush and floss your teeth to ensure your teeth are clean and particle-free before placing your Invisalign trays back onto your teeth.
  • Soak your trays once to three times a week, a personal preference.   Soaking is a great way to make sure your Invisalign trays are clean and fresh. We have Invisalign Cleaning Crystals or Retainer Brite at Stormberg Orthodontics.
  • Avoid hot water, cool to cold water is strongly recommended.   Do not wash your Invisalign trays in the dishwasher, run through the washing machine/dryer, or boil them. The hot water/air will distort the trays. Keep the trays safe in your Invisalign case when not on your teeth. Avoid wrapping in paper towels or napkins, they can be easily misplaced or thrown away.   If you feel they need to be sterilized, please call our office and we can assist you. If the trays need to be replaced, an extra charge could incur.

Stormberg Orthodontics Invisalign Cleaning Products

At Stormberg Orthodontics, we offer a variety of resources and products we recommended that are available for purchase in the office. If daily brushing with toothpaste is not enough, we recommended Eversmile foam for cleaning Invisalign trays, attachments, and teeth.

Retainer Brite is another retainer cleaner for the Invisalign trays that we recommend to our patients, We have those available at cost in the office or these products can be purchased online.

Invisalign Tips & Tricks

You can make the cleaning routine even easier on yourself with some very easy tips and tricks. Our La Mesa orthodontist suggests keeping a toothbrush, floss, and mouthwash in your purse, backpack, or desk. The easy access to your cleaning tools will help you stay on top of your Invisalign care. Also, remember that you should never eat or drink anything that isn’t water while wearing your Invisalign aligners. Get into the habit of taking them out at every meal and immediately cleaning them once the meal is finished. These small tricks will help you keep your Invisalign clean throughout the day and ensure your dental health is at its highest.

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